Monday, August 22, 2011

Chapter Eight: The Call

“That aught to do it,” Joe said smugly as he placed one last pistol magazine in his vest.
                “I’m not quite done yet,” José said as he searched through the huge basement arsenal for anything he might need.
                Ring! Ring!
                Joe, not recognizing the ringtone, looked at José, expecting him to pull out a phone and answer it.
                “It’s not mine,” José shrugged.
                “Oh!” Joe said as he remembered, “It must be the phone I pulled off that guy who tried to kill us,” Joe reached into his pocket and pulled out the phone and answered it, “Hello? Who is this? Hello?”
                “Who is it?” José asked curiously.
                “I can’t tell; too much static. I’m going to go outside for better reception,” Joe replied.
                “Okay, I’m going to finish up down here.”
                Joe quickly jogged up the stairs and through the front door emerging into the sunlight. He put the Motorola Razr back up to his head and answered again. “Hello?”
                “Who is this?” asked a voice on the other end of the call.
                “Who is this?” Joe asked back. Before a reply was heard he noticed something peculiar: the body of the assassin was no longer in the bushes where they had put him. Oh snap. Just as he finished that thought the assassin came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Joe’s neck, trying to choke the life out of him.
                Thinking fast, Joe spun around, putting the assassin between him and the house, and backed up hard into the wall, successfully breaking the assassin’s grip. In the commotion Joe dropped the phone to the ground to free up both of his hands for the fight. With the assassin off of his back, Joe leapt away and reached into his vest for a pistol. He quickly aimed the gun at the assassin, but before he could pull the trigger the assassin kicked the gun out of his hand in a very skillful move. Before the gun even landed on the ground, another kick landed in Joe’s stomach.
                “Oomph,” Joe staggered backwards.  He immediately collected himself; ready to continue the fight. Joe stared the masked assassin straight in the eye. Joe took up a fighting stance with his right arm behind him and his left hand outstretched in an open palm.
                Joe motioned his four outstretched fingers towards himself in a ‘come here’ motion. The assassin charged at him. A flurry of attacks was unleashed by both Joe and the assassin. Each was countered by a skilled block. The assassin would throw a quick strike at Joe’s face, only to have Joe knock the blow out of the way with his arm. Joe would attempt to land a blow on the assassin’s body, only to have it countered in a similar manner. Kicks, punches, strikes, and jabs; only a few made their mark in the ferocious fight.  But Joe was having a hard time keeping up with the speed of the assassin’s strikes. He would have to think of some new strategy fast if he was to be the victor. The phone, Joe thought.
                Joe then pulled a quick spin move and got around behind the assassin. He landed a quick punch to the assassin’s back before dropping to the ground where the Razr cell phone was resting. Seeing Joe lying on the ground, the assassin leapt towards him, landing on Joe with a thud. But the assassin put up no further fight. He laid on top of Joe motionless. Joe rolled the assassin off of himself onto his back.
                “Can you hear me now?” Joe asked to the dead assassin as he looked at the Razr cell phone Joe had stabbed into the assassin’s chest when he had fallen on him. Joe then reached over and pulled the bloody communications device out of the dead man’s chest. He wiped it off on the assassin’s clothes and then brought it back up to his ear.

Remember These? I had one at the time I was writing this. 

                “Are you still there?” Joe asked. He was surprised by the reply.
                “Joe?” a hint of surprise escaped the calm evil voice on the other end of the call.
                “How do you know my name?” Joe asked with concern.
                “I know a lot about you, Joe,” Baron von Jon replied snidely, regaining his composure, “It seems apparent that you’ve killed my assassin, since you have his phone.”
                “Yes, that asshole is dead,” Joe said with a sneer. “Who are you?”
                “I see. Well. Who I am is not important. What is important is that I have Courtney. Now, how about this; I will meet you tomorrow at the old abandoned McCandle farmstead. You know it?”
                “I know it,” Joe said without emotion.
                “Good, I will bring Courtney and we can arrange some kind of deal. Noon tomorrow. Goodbye, Joe.”
                “Damn it,” Joe closed the phone and put it inside his pocket.
                Just then José stepped out the door and looked at the bloody body of the assassin on the ground.
                “What happened? I thought I killed that guy.”
                “I guess he wasn’t quite dead,” Joe shrugged.
                “Let’s see who this bastard is,” José said as he squatted down by the body of the assassin ready to pull off his mask.
                “Why didn’t we do this before?” Joe asked.
                “No idea,” José said as he pulled off the assassin’s mask to get a look at his face.
                “Plehw!” that was the sound of the assassin spewing up blood out of his mouth all over José’s face.
                “Aww fuckin’ shit!” José shouted. He drew a pistol and shot the assassin twice in the stomach. “Stay dead!”
                “You seen that guy before?” Joe asked looking at the dead assassin’s face. The he appeared surprisingly content for someone who had just been killed with a cell phone.
                “Nope,” José replied as he put another resentful bullet into the body.
                “Me neither, but I talked to his boss.”
                “Really? Who is it?” José asked slightly more upbeat.
                “I don’t know, but he knows me. He wants to make a deal; a deal to give us Courtney back.”
                “Where at?”
                “The old McCandle farm, noon tomorrow.”
                “Well we better be there.”
                “Yeah, but there’s something fishy about this,” Joe said concernedly.
                “Yeah I know, but we don’t have much of a choice. We’ll just have to be on the top of our game.”
                The two friends got up and threw the body of the assassin back into the bushes before they went back into the house to see what was on television.

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